11am Services

11am Service Sermons

Here you can find all the recording of all the sermons from the 11 o'clock service in our archive, beginning with the most recent, and stretching back to 2008. At the foot of this page are aids to help you jump to specific years. Alternatively, you can follow the other tabs to explore sermons for other services, or search the archive for specific keywords or specific speakers.

The Eleven o'clock service

The Fruit of the Spirit
The Fruit of the Spirit: Patience Tim Davis
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The Fruit of the Spirit: Peace Katy Loffman
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The Fruit of the Spirit: Joy Stephen Kuhrt
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The Fruit of the Spirit: Love Ruth Henson
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Jesus Christ the Son of David
Baptised into the Risen King Stephen Kuhrt
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Hosanna to the Son of David Tim Davis
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The Son of David and Bartimaeus Ruth Henson
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The Son of David and the Canaanite Woman Katy Loffman
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Jesus the Davidic Messiah Stephen Kuhrt
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King David: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
The Father of a Family and Kingdom out of Control Stephen Kuhrt
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The Adulterous Murderer Tim Davis
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The Bearer of God’s Promise Katy Loffman
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The Outlaw Tim Davis
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The Giant Killer Ruth Henson
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The shepherd boy who got anointed Stephen Kuhrt
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Christmas Services 2021
Jesus and King Herod Katy Loffman
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Jesus and the Wise Men Stephen Kuhrt
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How they looked forward to Jesus
How David and the Prophets looked forward to Jesus David Loffman
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How Moses looked forward to Jesus Stephen Kuhrt
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How the Patriachs looked forward to Jesus Ruth Henson
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Some fresh thoughts on…
Some fresh thoughts on Holy Communion Stephen Kuhrt
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Some fresh thoughts on Remembrance Katy Loffman & Stephen Kuhrt
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Some fresh thoughts on Baptism Tim Davis
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How The Bible Presents The Church
The Righteousness of God Stephen Kuhrt
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The Spirit of God Stephen Kuhrt
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The Army of God David Loffman
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The Building of God Tim Davis
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The Church of God Ruth Henson
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The Kingdom of God Stephen Kuhrt
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The People of God Katy Loffman
Audio file