11am Services

11am Service Sermons

Here you can find all the recording of all the sermons from the 11 o'clock service in our archive, beginning with the most recent, and stretching back to 2008. At the foot of this page are aids to help you jump to specific years. Alternatively, you can follow the other tabs to explore sermons for other services, or search the archive for specific keywords or specific speakers.

The Eleven o'clock service

Why I Am A Christian
Why I Am A Christian PJ Aston
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Why I Am A Christian Vashti Prescott
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Why I Am A Christian Liz Courtney
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Learning from the Early Church
The Spirit of Courage Ruth Henson
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The Spirit of Judgement Stephen Kuhrt
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The Spirit of Fellowship Tim Davis
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The Spirit of Prayer Stephen Kuhrt
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The Spirit of Witness Ruth Henson
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The Spirit of Power Katy Loffman
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The Coming of the Holy Spirit Tim Davis
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The Ascension of Jesus Stephen Kuhrt
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The Resurrection of Jesus… and his followers Katy Loffman
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The Anointed King Stephen Kuhrt
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My experience of the Holy Spirit Katy Loffman
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The Resurrection
The Resurrection in John Tim Davis
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The Resurrection in Luke Katy Loffman
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The Resurrection in Matthew Stephen Kuhrt
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Being a Resurrection People Nathan Larkin
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Parables in Luke
The Persistent Widow David Taylor
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The Rich Man and Lazarus Ruth Henson
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The Shrewd Manager Katy Loffman
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The Lost Sheep, Coin and Son Stephen Kuhrt
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The Great Banquet Tim Davis
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Outsiders come to God
The Sheep and the Goats Ruth Henson
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Tamar, Rahab, Ruth and Bathsheba Stephen Kuhrt
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A Man Called Cornelius Katy Loffman
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The Ethiopian Eunuch Tim Davis
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The Centurion at the Cross Stephen Kuhrt
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The Samaritan Woman Ruth Henson
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The Canaanite Woman Katy Loffman
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