Sermon Downloads

11am Service Sermons

The Drama of Mark’s Gospel
Jesus and the arrival of the Kingdom of God Tim Davis
Audio file
Why I Am A Christian
Why I Am A Christian Su Ong
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Integrating Our Faith
The Place of Sport in God's World Ruth Henson
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The Place of Grandparents in God's World Gordon Kuhrt
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The Place of Animals in God's World Katy Loffman
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The Five Trustworthy Sayings
Heirs having the hope of eternal life Stephen Kuhrt
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If we are faithless, He remains faithful Ros Moody
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Godliness has value in all things Tim Davis
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Whoever desires to be an overseer, desires a noble task Ruth Henson
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Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Stephen Kuhrt
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What it will look like to be a church that is serious about…
A church that is serious about the reality of the Holy Spirit Tim Davis
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A church that is serious about the Ascension of Jesus into heaven Katy Loffman
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Building a Safe Church
Building a Safe Church upon the place of the vulnerable in the kingdom of God Stephen Kuhrt
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Building a Safe Church upon the place of children in the kingdom of God Tim Davis
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Building a Safe Church upon God the Safeguarder Stephen Kuhrt
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Easter Services 2024
The Most Important Day in History Nathan Larkin
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Spring Cleaning our lives this Lent
Spring Cleaning our lives this Lent from judging others David Taylor
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Spring Cleaning our lives from greed Ruth Henson
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Spring Cleaning our lives from anxiety Anna Larkin
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Spring Cleaning our lives from a concern for appearances Tim Davis
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Spring Cleaning our lives from anger David Loffman
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Spring Cleaning our lives from the failure to forgive Stephen Kuhrt
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Outsiders come to God
Egyptians, Assyrians and Israelites Nathan Larkin
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The Widow of Zarephath Katy Loffman
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Uriah the Hittite Stephen Kuhrt
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Ruth the Moabite Ruth Henson
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Rahab the Canaanite Stephen Kuhrt
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Christmas Services 2023
Why are Simeon and Anna in the Christmas Story? Katy Loffman
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Why is Bethlehem in the Christmas Story? Tim Davis
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Why is Augustus’ census in the Christmas story? David Taylor
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