The Five Trustworthy Sayings

The Five Trustworthy Sayings

Within his so-called Pastoral Epistles to Timothy and Titus, we see five instances of Paul using the phrase: 'This is a trustworthy saying...'. Presumably referring to slogans that already existed in the early church, Paul endorses these pithy statements as part of the wider points he wants to make. During this series, we will look at each of the 'trustworthy sayings' and what they have to say to our lives as we seek to follow Jesus.

Date Title Speaker
Jesus Christ came into the world to save sinners Stephen Kuhrt
Whoever desires to be an overseer, desires a noble task Ruth Henson
Godliness has value in all things Tim Davis
If we are faithless, He remains faithful Ros Moody
Heirs having the hope of eternal life Stephen Kuhrt